First Presbyterian Church has a banner over the door as people leave worship. It reads, “The worship is over. The service begins.” We try to live this throughout the week with several ministries. We are a small congregation which allows us to have active intergenerational fellowship. In addition, Karen Schlueter is our Youth Coordinator and provides meaningful activities at Sunday School, at worship and through the JOYS ministry.
Sweet Dreams Bed Ministry is one of the ways we try to be the hands and feet of Jesus in Beatrice. We also maintain a Little Pantry by our church on the corner of 5th and High and serve dinner every other month at Warren’s Table. We have had a church on this site since March 17, 1869.
Please join us on Sunday morning at 10:30 a.m. for worship and then be a part of the service throughout the week. I invite you to call me at 402-223-3933, email me at pastordorismartin@gmail.com, or come visit me Mondays thru Thursdays at the church. Please call the church to make an appointment.
His grace is sufficient,
Pastor Doris

Our History
First Presbyterian Church of Beatrice was organized March 17, 1869 with five charter members, Mrs. Sara Ann Blodgett, Mrs. Mary Griggs, Miss Anna Griggs, and Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Weeden.
We are most grateful today for the vision of those early pioneers. Our heritage is a result of their continued efforts.
In 1867 the Rev. Benjamin F. McNeil was sent to Beatrice by the Board of Home Missions of the Presbyterian Church, U.S.A. in response to an appeal by Mr. Reuben Blodgett who saw the need for religious work in Beatrice.
The Church was organized under the direction of the Missouri River Presbytery. The first meetings were held in a school house south of the present Junior High School. After many trying experiences, the Rev. McNeil and the trustees purchased some lots on the outer edge of town, the location we all know so well as Fifth and High.Aid was solicited from the East and at home, and the Board of Home Missions gave $1,600, a large sum then, toward the erection of a church building.
This building was erected in 1871, but only the basement could be used because of the lack of money. In 1879 it was completed.